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9 articles

How do I view the course the way my students will see it?

If you pull down the menu under your name in the dashboard, you can view the content as a learner.

How do I change a student's password?

Go to the user's information page and in the blank password field type in the desired password. Then click on "update user" at the bottom.

I self-registered and am having trouble logging in.

If you were instructed to self-registered and are having issues logging in... You must first make sure you registered yourself After you have registered your teacher will activate your account Once your account is activated you will be able to log in

How do I fill out the workbook online?

You will need to download the workbook to complete it and then turn it in to your instructor. You will not be able to fill it out within the course. To view the workbook, click on its name from the dropdown as shown...To download a resource, open the "Files" pulldown in the upper right as shown......

Is there a mobile app?

Yes, there is a mobile app. You can get the app on a mobile device or if you can get Android apps on your Chromebook. To access the mobile app, go to your app store and download the “TalentLMS” app. Enter the URL of your branch (insert URL here). Use your existing TalentLMS username and password t...

When I try to log in, it says my account is inactive. How do I activate my account

Depending on how your school is set up, either your instructor needs to activate you or you will need to verify your email to activate your account.

I don't know my username or password.

Please contact the Help Desk and we will forward you your username/password.

I keep trying to log in but it says my password is incorrect.

Contact support if this problem persists and we can reset your password on our end.

Independent Study Branch Support

Click the link below for Independent Studay Branch Support