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Trouble Shooting Tips

5 articles

My course is glitching and I am not able to continue.

If you are on a PC...we recommend using the following browsers: Chrome Firefox Using Safari has proven to cause many issues.

Clearing Cache

If you are having issues with your course running smoothly...Try clearing your cache ( Here is a related article:

Cookies Settings

Enabling Third-Party Cookies

Here’s how to enable third-party cookies in the recommended browsers:A. Firefox1. Click the menu symbol and choose Options. 2. Go to the Privacy and Security tab. 3. In the History section, choose Use custom settings for history from the Firefox will drop-down list. 4. In the Cookies and Site Data sect...

App for Mobile Devices

If you are having issues on your computer, there is an app that you can download for either iOS or Android. If you have access to a mobile device, or if you can get Android apps on your Chromebook it might work better. To access the mobile app, go to your app store and download the “TalentLMS” app. ...